Wednesday, July 05, 2006,

The Angels in Heaven
danced when you were born.
One root-a-toot-tooted
her gold shiny horn.
Another did back flip
sand hummed a kazoo,
but they all whooped and they hollered
and yelled, "Whoop-De-Doo!"
Some blew on big bugles,
some pounded pianos,
A few banged on bongos,
and strummed on their banjos.
They jigged up a big
celebration with glee,
Because you were the cutest
they ever did see!
One pranced and sashayed
on a white fluffy cloud.
But they all sang and clapped.
They were so very proud,
That you had been born,
and you lived on the Earth.
It filled all their hearts
with joy, love and mirth.
One long bearded Angel
who beat on a drum,
Asked all of the others
just what you'd become.
One Angel supposed you
an artist or dancer.
Another suggested
that you'd find the answer,
For illness and hunger
and anger and greed.
That you'd somehow help others
find just what they need.
They yelled, "Postman!", or "Surgeon!",
"Musician!", "Or Teacher!"
"A Banker or Lawyer",
"A Pilot or Preacher!"
One Angel in front said,
"A Skilled Cabinet Maker".
Another called out,
"A Pastry Chef Baker!"

The smallest of Angels
raised high her small hand.
She shushed all the singing
and hushed up the band.
She said, "I'm so scared
for this teeny, wee baby.
What if they're too tall,
or too short, or just maybe..."
"They snort when they giggle,
or lisp when they talk?
And what if they wiggle
or limp when they walk?"
"What if they are deaf,
or they have to wear braces?
And what if their fingers
can't tie their shoelaces?"
"Their eyes might not see,
or they'll need to wear glasses.
And what if they need
to re-do a few classes?"
"They might not be able
to write or to spell,
to add or subtract,
or to draw very well."
"Their words may sound strange,
and their classmates make fun,
of the way that they dress,
or the way that they run."

The oldest of Angels
walked up with a smile,
And he said, "There will be,
every once and a while,"
"A person who thinks
a child has special needs.
But every child born
is so special indeed!"
"Not one single grain
on a beach full of sand,
Is the same, but that beach
is still gorgeous and grand."
"And there never has been,
nor there ever will be,
two fish or two whales,
just alike in the sea."
"Not one single bird,
and not one single feather,
fly just the same,
in the same kinds of weather."
"Don't you see that there's nothing
on Earth that's the same?
It's that way on purpose.
There's no one to blame."
"And just who's to say
what is right, and what's wrong.
Since they can't be the same,
they've been right all along."
"So, you see, it's ok.
It's no matter the way,
that they walk or they talk,
or the way that they say,"
"'Good Morning', 'How are you',
or 'How do you do?'
"It's all in the way that
their hearts say, 'I love you'."
"They're perfect no matter
what others might say,
And we treasure, adore them,
exactly that way!"

"We'll love them forever,
and smile as they grow,
but there is one more thing
that I'd like you to know."
"When you were created
with horns on your head,
a small, pointed tail,
and a pitchfork instead..."
"Of the wings you have now,
and your halo on top...
We loved even you,
and we never will stop!"
"The Angels in Heaven Danced When You Were Born"Copyright © 1999 by Karen ByrumIllustrations Copyright © 1999 by Eddie HenryAll Rights Reserved.
5:06 PM